


What the Fuck did you just Say?

All jokes aside hearing is a vital part of life even though it would be nice to tune out some of the bitching/nagging of some individuals at times. I can say without hesitance that the ringing in my ears almost constantly is not a gift. It is crucial no matter how manly we want to be to protect our hearing as we only get one set of ears. For many years in the service I wore triple flange ear pro and PELTORS. Now Peltors come with a hefty price tag and I wouldn’t recommend them unless your planning on contracting sometime in the near future. For everyday range fun, hunting and mill sim range days the Walkers provide the same comfort and quality of sound transfer as the Peltors in my opinion. They also have released mountable radio sets for them so communications are possible with these similar to Peltors. Lastly they do amplify ambient sound so you can still hear what the fuck is going on around you and to some like my deaf ass father they act similar to hearing aids with the volume up yet go silent when a loud noise like a gunshot is picked up by the amplifier.

Remember line of sight comms are just that line of sight. I don’t care how much you spent on the radio equipment if your comms points don’t have a line of sight between you and the receiver then there is a dam good chance you won’t have comms. Keep this in mind when reviewing any radios/walkie talkies you test out. LOS comms are just that and that is all they will ever be. HF comms and Sat comms are a whole different ball game.Also there are multiple helmet mounts and multiple radios available so make sure the ones you select are compatible. My personal preference is to run a split cable with mic attachment to my Walkers similar to how my Peltors were ran with a PPT or push to talk secured or my kit.


Who doesn’t want to clear the house like a tactical Paul Blart mall cop. Just make sure you select a model that can support your weight.

Nixie Tube clocks

Nixie tube clocks are one of my favorites they have that old school feel and the overall wow factor when someone sees them. They can be a bit pricey especially depending on the design you go with they typically range from $180-$500. Defiantly a Fallout 3 fantasy room must for the retro feel.

Retro key board

This one is just a personal favorite.As someone who is a huge Fallout game geek. Retro key boards just have that old school look and feel. There is just something about the classics and antiques that draw me in.


As someone who has been scuba certified since I was 11 Years old and had over 100 dives under my belt before age 13. I don’t think I have to say how useful this little tank can be. Weather using it as an O shit! tank for water rollovers or shallow water fossil hunting this tank can make a great addition to anyone’s bug out bag.


For the fossil hunters and gold diggers out there and no not the money hungry type that are looking for your most recently used credit card info, the Blu3 Nemo might be the perfect choice for you. With a max depth of 10 ft you can run for 60 to 90 minutes. You can dig out those deeper gold filled cracks in the river without trying to hold your breath to dig that last nugget out of the crack. Plus its light weight for those remote areas.

Gen 3 PVS-14

For my ultimate cool guys on a budget. I say on a budget because compared to their counter part the PSQ-20A they are substantially cheaper as 20 Alphas cost around 20k with night vision and thermal overlay. There big bro the L3 Harris or commonly called quad nods will set you back 40k. While these will run you about 3k to 4k. But well worth it if you plan on picking off hogs with a laser equip rifle or providing night surveillance for your marijuana farm.

Bullet Point mounts are kind of the shit when it comes to holding your phone. It is a real life saver and honestly I can’t say mine has dropped my phone more than once. When I say dropped I mean I went flying over the railroad tracks at 60 mph and caught some air in order for it to drop my phone. For almost any off road enthusiast or someone that uses their phone for a dash camera this is a great option that’s fully adjustable.

Carbon Custom Co

Ditch the old plastic card and up grade to a metal one with your custom design. Before you ask yes your strip and chip are transferred to your new card.


Now almost every VA therapy session I’ve been to has had a diffuser present. I noticed that the aroma in the air was always calming during those sessions. So I bought my own. However I wish I had known they had this mini Pompeii on the market. Now you can have the bonus of the aroma and mini smoke rings blasting off in your WOOSAH zone. No this doesn’t count as a blow job if you put your willy in the rings.

Floating Lamps

I’ve only personally owned a floating moon lamp and to be honest when I first purchased it I was kind of skeptical on whether the product would actually float or just be some internet shame. But we’ve arrived in a time where floating desk toys are a reality not just some shit from the Avatar movie.

The Waydoo

I am dying to try this one out.But it is going to set the bank account back a bit. Coming in at over $6,000. Yes that is 3 zeros. There is an upside though you get around 2 hours of ride time on the water and cruise around 25mph. I’ve road some motorized surfboards but I’ll stick to the ocean who knows though I may give up my old fashion surfing ways once I try it out.