

Category: Technology

  • Shit I wear

    The big 3 Combat flip flops, Redemption tactical plate carrier, and the Alien gear drop leg holster. The three most asked about items I wear in my videos. No the dumbass trying to eat his own beard like a fat ass that is out of food at the All You Can Eat Buffet is not…

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  • Charity and sponsors

    For the past four years I’ve ran disabled veteran charters out of my own pocket. It maybe a fraction of a fraction of another much much smaller fraction compared to what Uncle Sam spends to fuck us up in the first place but at least it’s giving back. There is a few things that bother…

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  • Tech/Gadgets

    What the Fuck did you just Say? All jokes aside hearing is a vital part of life even though it would be nice to tune out some of the bitching/nagging of some individuals at times. I can say without hesitance that the ringing in my ears almost constantly is not a gift. It is crucial…

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