


What it’s like to shoot a Staccato


No not that shit that drips off our pecker after a long night out with the crew. Formally know as Strayer-Tripp Inc, Staccato is a firearms manufacturer that produces an angelic pistol.For my Rick and Morty fans this is true level in the pistol world. Shooting both the Staccato P and XL was smooth with the performance I would normally only expect from a short barrel rifle.The old saying of use the pistol to fight to a rifle kind of goes out the window with this group of pistols. If your an avid marksman hitting a 100 yard chest sized silhouette is a walk in the park.

Miller Brothers Blades

Every man needs one.No not a knife he should already have one of those unless his man card has been stolen. A sword and a well made one at that.Miller Brothers does it right if you watch there destructive test this is one company that can keep up with my abuse due to there use of high grade steel.

Flame Throwers

Well this has to be one of the most redneck things I’ve built. Yes that is a oxy acetylene torch attached to a pressure washer filed with gasoline diesel mix. I have used some of the flame throwers on the market but by far the biggest difference has been the Napalm. Sure there are a load of home made remedies but in my experience there has been loads of gelling if you let it sit or don’t get the proper ratio. Save yourself the time and head ache and just buy the napalm additives it’s a whole lot easier. Contrary to some peoples beliefs it’s not illegal here in the US and who give a dam about a watch list. When did Americans stop being American and become obsessed over some list they might end up on for purchasing something for them and their friends to enjoy?

Every Man Cave needs at least one

Yes the tried and true hatchet. “There are many like it this one is mine.”All jokes aside I have owned my fair share of throwing axes. This particular one is just a run of the mill World Axe Throwing League. There are so many to chose from in my opinion it really comes down to personal preference. Each one is going to rotate to the target just a little different and worse comes to worse you can usually return it for another style if the one you purchased doesn’t meet your needs.

Compact Bows

These bows have taken the internet by storm in recent years.Part of me wishes my bow had the adapter to shoot ball bearings for small game but still have the capability of switching back to arrows. Now some may hate on these bows as they do not have the performance of a Mathews,Hoyt, or other big name competitor. But this bow like most if used often will do just fine on your average hunt. Now for big game I would definitely recommend a higher quality bow but that’s not to say this bow can’t do the trick. It is more than capable of taking large animals just depends on the shooter. I can count the people I know personally on one hand that I’d trust to make a 80+ yard shot on a white tail with a bow. It definitely would not be with this bow. However for small game, children, or even those that like a versatile and compact bow it is a great option.

Lever Bows

Nothing super new to the market however Tim Wells has done an excellent job helping design this bow. The Oneida collection has some great choices with a smooth draw. They are great for rapid draw and fire situations like pheasant or dove hunting,as well as bowfishing. I have convinced several of my friends to purchase them however I just haven’t pressed the button myself as I can’t rationalize the cost for 3 of them for my disabled veteran bowfishing charity charters. But they are worth every penny.


They are one of the most common around.The platform comes in multiple calibers and the sexiness cap is unlimited. They range widely in price, the American flag Ruger chambered in 5.56 pictured will run you about $700.My take on these rifles is they will do the job.Even a run of the mill AR-15 has a 1.5 MOA meaning at 100 yards if you made a perfect shot each time the bullets would or should land in a 1.5 inch area. For my cavemen out there that’s plenty of F.U. to go around for anything you want to shoot.Not to say you can’t reach out to farther distances I just typically stick to no further than about 200 yards for this small of a caliber when taking an animal as the ballistics just aren’t there to reach out and comfortably know that animals going to drop within 25 yards from point of impact.

What its like to shoot a 45-70


Yes this is a boom stick if there ever was one. It’s the prime choice of many big game hunters.But now the old school classic can have that modern,sexy, tactical look.Or if your old school there tried and true yellow brass wood stock look.

War club

Every man needs one and not all of them are created equal. War clubs are an all around man cave necessity. Amazon has a few viable options I prefer less main stream though when it comes to this category. As a craftsman myself I prefer to build mine or buy an antique/hand made by a small time craftsman. However hand made will run you north of $300-$1500 and antiques can be in the 10k plus range. So for many amazon is the go to.

Blow dart gun

Great for shooting targets in the home office but for Tim it is a lethal bear killing device. Don’t underestimate the power and capability of any weapon is what Tim clearly demonstrates here. I used blow dart guns as a kid to shoot invasive lizards to feed the chickens, but taking on a bear is a whole new level.We also often times use them down in the FL keys to take out invasive Iguanas.

Bowling ball mortar

Who in their right mind would want to shoot a bowling ball hundreds of feet into the sky? Men that’s who.

Not your DAD’s GLOCK

Well if it is his Glock he was willing to slap down some coin. I priced out a similar build for my father.For just a personal defense purpose Glock with the skeleton upper,threaded barrel with muzzle break,custom drop in trigger pack for less trigger travel and the lower+upper parts kits as well as trijicon 6.5 MOA sight. We totaled right around $1400-$1650 range. Contrary to all the hate they receive I don’t mind them. I’ve never had issues and could still reach out to a silhouette at 70 yards with no issues on a stardard OEM Glock 17 and 19 frame.

Cold Steel spear

I do wish they had used better quality materials.It still makes a great man cave wall hanger regardless. The spear it’s self is fully capable of taking down large game from a tree,saddle,blind or stand. If your a great stalker then using it on large game shouldn’t be an issue. I’ve barefoot stalked multiple deer and been well within distance. Same can be said for pigs/wild boar using barefoot stalking method I’ve crept all the way up to there beds while they rest in the heat of the day.