

Charity and sponsors

For the past four years I’ve ran disabled veteran charters out of my own pocket. It maybe a fraction of a fraction of another much much smaller fraction compared to what Uncle Sam spends to fuck us up in the first place but at least it’s giving back. There is a few things that bother me about the world of charity. Firstly is the ungodly amount of money they pay themselves ie the CEO’s and the next 20 individuals under them typically pay themselves 150k-300k depending on the organization and its all public info yet suckers still pay into these organization every year. Why the blacked out faces? Simple I don’t want to be the Mr. Beast of veterans. Not bashing Mr. Beast but everyone now seems to be so quick to shove a camera in someone’s face and show the internet how unfortunate they are. I get that it drives donations and engagement it just isn’t my style. Plus some of the vets that come out were prior tier 1 forces with a dam good reason to keep their life private. If you have a desire to help our donation link is below. If you want to donate gear for hunts, bow fishing charters, deep sea charters, disabled veteran dive training gear or donate time ie you have land for hog hunts or an offshore/ inshore rig in Florida and you’d like to take a group out feel free to reach out via Facebook messenger. Any sponsors of gear or donated funds in excess of $300 will be eligible for our sponsorship wall. Any donation of $800 or equivalent in gear will earn a spot for 2 years on the boat for all to see as well as mentions via social media we can discuss prior to donation. We are not a 501c3 non profit however 100% of funds and some of our own pocket goes back to disabled vets . The main reason we aren’t a 501c3 is because the IRS requires a registration fee to do so. How in the fuck are you going to charge a charity to become a charity sounds like a greedy Uncle Sam to me. This also cuts us out of almost all grant money as well but is what it is screw greedy Uncle Sam.

“No Quarter Outdoors”

Tribute to Combat flip flops

Again not an official sponsor. Yet less than 24 hrs after going public with the charity Combat flip flops was calling in to see how they could help with the charity efforts. Neither company asked for a thing in return which speaks volumes to their core company values.

Combat Flip Flops and Redemption tactical will forever be here in the sponsors section for they have done volumes more than most.

Tribute to Redemption Tactical

While not an official sponsor Redemption Tactical the same company that manufactures my plate carrier was the second to reach out wondering what they could do to help with the charity efforts.